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Sis. Awanda Clark's 

Words of Encouragement 

For the Week of April 27, 2015

The Words of Encouragement are part of Sis. Awanda Clark's ministry for the Lord. This weekly messages reach out to people across the world and brings our Christian community closer through affirmation and prayer. If you are not already receiving The Words of Encouragement and would like to, please send her a note requesting to have your e-mail address added to the list. (E-mail addresses are shared, the message is sent to you as a blind carbon copy.) If you have people that you would like to add to the prayer list that accompanies The Words of Encouragement, send their names to Sis. Clark a message at:

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

PSALM 14:1 (NIV)


Question: "What does the Bible say about shame and regret?"



Everyone experiences a certain amount of shame and regret over sins committed in their past. The Bible has much to say about shame and regret, and there are numerous examples of people in the Bible who experienced them.


 Can you imagine the shame and regret Adam and Eve lived with after they spoiled by their sin the perfect creation God had made? They lived in a perfect world, had perfect minds and bodies, and had perfect close fellowship with God. But they were also given the freedom to make choices. When they chose to sin against God and disobey Him, it meant all of God’s creation was now subject to sin’s effects, which are disease, decay, death, and separation from God for eternity. And every human being afterward was born into this world with a sin nature—the natural inclination to sin. Thankfully, God is sovereign, and He had a plan even then to redeem His world through His Son Jesus Christ and give mankind a choice for salvation and eternal life with Him. But Adam and Eve must have lived out their lives on earth with much regret over the loss of the life they had with God before they sinned.


 Another biblical example of shame and regret is the apostle Peter. John 13:37-38 describes the night of Christ’s betrayal. Right after the Passover meal, Peter tells Jesus that he would lay down his life for Him. Jesus responds by telling him that on that very night Peter would deny three times even knowing Him. Later that night, out of fear of losing his own life, Peter denied ever knowing Jesus (John 18:15-27; Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75). Yet this is the same Peter of whom Jesus prophetically said, “And I say to you that you are Peter and upon this rock (Peter’s surname, Cephas, means “rock”) I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18-19). After Peter’s denial of Christ that night, we see him go on and grow in his faith, eventually becoming one of the founding fathers of the early church in Jerusalem. He did indeed “strengthen his brothers” after turning back to Christ, as Jesus had foretold (Luke 22:32). While he must have lived with much shame and regret over his very public denial of Christ, his deepened understanding of the person and work of Christ overcame his emotions and feelings of failure. He realized that if Christ would not hold anything against him, neither should he hold anything against himself.


 The Bible teaches us that once we confess our sins, accept Christ’s sacrifice for our sins on the cross on our behalf, and become children of God, we are cleansed from all our unrighteousness (Colossians 1:15-22), and our salvation is eternally secure (John 10:27-30; Hebrews 7:24-25). As we grow spiritually in our wisdom and understanding of God by spending time with Him daily in prayer and reading His Word, we find ourselves loving and trusting Him more and believing Him when He says that He has put our sin as far from Him as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). We find ourselves making wiser choices each day, sinning less, and not grieving the Holy Spirit with our actions (Ephesians 4:17-32). This is, and should be, the mark of spiritual growth in all believers in Jesus Christ.


Romans 8:1 is the quintessential verse that covers leftover feelings of shame and regret in the believer: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” So, once we have confessed our sins, both past and present, we needn’t continue to live in shame and regret over them. God has forgiven us and forgotten those sins, but often we have to remind ourselves of that fact in order to forgive ourselves and move forward in newness of life. “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me” (Galatians 2:20).


Please continue to pray for those on the prayer list. We don't have to know what their needs or concerns are, God knows.

Prayer List 

Please continue to pray for those on the prayer list. We don't have to know what their needs or concerns are, God knows.

Tasha Anderson (serving in Iraq)

Blayne Black (serving in Iraq)

Casey Chamberlain (serving in Iraq)

Brandi Coffer – Stationed in Korea for 2 years (My Niece)

Missing Malaysian Airline

Families & Friends of those on Missing Malaysian Airline

Kidnapped girls from Nigeria

Air Asia Missing passengers, and crew

Germanwings flight 4U9525 crash passengers & crew

Kenya University shooting of 147 students

Cheryl, Alicia & Diane Webber

Family & Friends of Margo Reed

Dan Foxx

Freddie Gray –Spine broken by 3 -4 Baltimore Police, had double surgery on three broken vertebrae and an injured voice box, died today 4-19-15


Family & Friends of Walter Scott

Kaitlyn and her doctors

John Brown

Rickie Lopez

Chuck Shanklin

Family & Friends of Bryan Webber

Sandy Cody & family

Brett & Cheryl Foley & family

Christopher Foley

Dan Mendoza

Wanda Green

Loretta Welch

Carlos Morales – Wife dies after delivering 4 babies, she didn’t get to see them

@ Children’s Hospitals (

Jamie McMahon

Jeff & Ernie Mathis

Wendee Richmond

BettyJo has cancer and husband Jeff

Elmer Green Jr

Darius Herbert

Kayla Mueller

Family & Friends of John Fassler Sr

Dylan & Griffith Family

Hazel Christine Green

Yolanda Guiterris- Solis and family

Family & Friends of Art & Juanita Stafford

Debbie Hardy

Marsha Jones

Teri Gonzales

Pray for Family & Friends of Shanice Clark – College BB Player found dead in dorm

Pray for Family & Friends Erica Morales – dies after having quads

Baby Jaquail 8 months killed in drive by

Terry, Cheryl & John praying for John’s Mom

Susan Shaw

Tommy Jackson & Family

Family & Friends of Tamir Rice

Charles Cooks II

Isaiah & His Mom

Diann Boatley

Jaxon Adams & Family

Pray for Family & Friends Lennon Lacy

Family & Friends of Vonderrit Myers

‎Family & Friends of Kajieme Powell

Felisa Mena

Awanda Clark

People of Ferguson, Mo

Jonathan Farrell


Family & Friends of Tanesha Anderson

Family & Friends of John Crawford

Family & Friends of Ryan Brown

Jake Underwood~

Family & Friends of Ezell Ford

Family & Friends Denzel "Jaba" Curnell

Family & Friends Dante Parker

Danny Dan Truckenbrod

Family & Friends of Michael Brown

Family & Friends of Eric Garner


Derrick Royal

Vicki Artis

Sara Brown

Amy Griffin

Don Edwards

Melissa Alexander – Praise God, she was released!!!

Isabell Thurman

Desert Praise Christian Church

Jahi McGrath


Roy Rivera

Family of Kendrick Johnson

Doug & Lark Chessman & Family

Susan Corrales


Family of Jordan Davis

Family of Trayvon Martin

Roy S Aguayo

Abdul Rahim Shariff

Jake Stone

President Barak Obama and Family

Racism in America

Our Congress

Tea Party

Our Nation

Our Military

Overly Aggressive Policemen

Our Policemen

Our Fireman

Our Children/Youth

The Homeless

Missing Children

Unity among God's people

Contact Sis. Awanda Clark 

You can write to Sis. Clark and request additions to Prayer List, share your Praise Reports and ask to be added to her Monday morning mailing of the Words of Encouragement using the form below.

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